Chromie hunting
Against all odds, I was a relatively well-behaved kid. I had a pretty good conscience. Peer pressure only occasionally corrupted me; for the most part I was comfortable making my own decisions. Sometimes, though, certain activities tantalized me. And sometimes it felt good to be bad. In 1995, a kid new to the neighborhood (or at least new to me) began making the rounds on my block. I think he lived north of Foster. And for the life of me I cannot recall his name. For this story’s sake I’ll refer to this kid as David. David began coming around during the weird transitional period between Daniel’s departure and my family’s move. This period was fraught with loneliness and uncertainty; some of the other kids in the neighborhood moved away, and others just didn’t come out as much. After all, we were now young teenagers; in some cases we were seduced by vanity, other times we were just too cool to hang out on the block doing the thi...